Pods on google kubernetes engine pending?


Trying to set up the jupyterhub server on Google Kubernetes following this tutorial. Everything went through fine. But when I install jupyterhub/jupyterhub image with helm, it's always showing the pods are pending:

kubectl --namespace=jupyter-server get pod

NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hub-6dbd4df8b8-nqvnf     0/1       Pending   0          17h
proxy-7bb666576c-fx726   0/2       Pending   0          17h

Even after 17 hours.

The helm version is 2.6.2 as suggested in the tutorial. And I am using 3 f1-micro instances in the kubernetes cluster. Are these instances too small? Thanks for any advice.

-- Psidom

1 Answer


Try describing the pod, and the describing the nodes in the cluster, to get more info about why exactly they're still pending:

kubectl describe po/hub-6dbd4df8b8-nqvnf -n jupyter-server
kubectl describe po/proxy-7bb666576c-fx726 -n jupyter-server

kubectl describe nodes
-- Jonah Benton
Source: StackOverflow