Trying to set up the jupyterhub server on Google Kubernetes following this tutorial. Everything went through fine. But when I install jupyterhub/jupyterhub image with helm, it's always showing the pods are pending:
kubectl --namespace=jupyter-server get pod
hub-6dbd4df8b8-nqvnf 0/1 Pending 0 17h
proxy-7bb666576c-fx726 0/2 Pending 0 17h
Even after 17 hours.
The helm
version is 2.6.2
as suggested in the tutorial. And I am using 3 f1-micro
instances in the kubernetes cluster. Are these instances too small? Thanks for any advice.
Try describing the pod, and the describing the nodes in the cluster, to get more info about why exactly they're still pending:
kubectl describe po/hub-6dbd4df8b8-nqvnf -n jupyter-server
kubectl describe po/proxy-7bb666576c-fx726 -n jupyter-server
kubectl describe nodes