I have setup a kubernetes(1.9) cluster on two ec-2 servers(ubuntu 16.04) and have installed a dashboard, the cluster is working fine and i get output when i do curl localhost:8001 on the master machine, but im not able to access the ui for the kubernetes dashboard on my laptops browser with masternode_public_ip:8001, master-machine-output this is what my security group looks like security group which contains my machine ip.
Both the master and slave node are in ready state.
I know there are a lot of other ways to deploy an application on kubernetes cluster, however i want to explore this particular option for POC purpose.
I need to access the dashboard of the kubernetes UI and the nginx application which is deployed on this cluster.
So, my question: is it something else i need to add in my security group or its because i need to do some more things on my master machine?
Also, it would be great if someone could throw some light on private and public IP and which one could be used to access the application and how does these are related
Here is the screenshot of deployment details describe deployment [2b][2c]4
Found out the answer Sorry for the delayed reply
I was trying to access the web application through its container's port but in kubernetes there is a concept of NodePort. so, if your container is running at port 8080 it will redirect it to a port between somewhere 30001 to 35000
all you need to do is add details to your deployment file and expose the service
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: hello-svc labels: app: hello-world spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 8080 nodePort: 30001
This is an extensive topic ranging from Kubernetes Services (NodePort or LoadBalancer for this case) to Ingress Controllers and such. But there is a simple, quick and clean way to access your dashboard without all that.
Use either kubectl proxy
or kubectl port-forward
to access dashboard via embeded Kube apiserver proxy or directly forward from localhost to POD it self.