Best Practice on adding unmanaged resources in Azure AKS.


There are a few resources we have questions about. But with all of them we don't want to have Kubernetes manage them.

I can't find the answer online, I have tried.

First is more specific. We want to not have AKS manage our MSSQL Database. When using a managed volume we noticed a significant hit to performance. Due to time issue we are going with a simple MSSQL server and disk. Should/Can we add these directly to the managed cluster or should we move these to another RG and use a VPN Gateway?

Second question is the same but more general, when adding a non managed resource what is the best practice way to connect it to the cluster resources? Another RG and VPN Gateway in, or just add them to the Cluster and add a service for communication?

Thanks in advance, we are new to the Kube ecosystem.

-- TallOrderDev

2 Answers


I found a solution for the MSSQL Database. If you DO NOT want Kubernetes to manage it.

You will want the mssql server and DB to live on another Resource Group and then

  • Inside of the mssql server.
  • Click on Fireway/NV in the sidebar
  • Click + Add existing VN in the center
  • Follow the steps on the right to get them to talk to each other.
  • If you have not added a rule to your MC Vnet, you will need to do this twice.
    • The first time sets up the rule (takes up to 15 minutes) the 2nd time add the VN
    • If you do not do this twice, you will not add the VN and it will fail!
-- TallOrderDev
Source: StackOverflow


AKS cannot manage anything except itself (well, it can create different resources to manage itself effectively, but no external resources like mssql), so the first part of the question doesnt make sense.

If you want other resources to interact with agent nodes you have to either put them into the same vnet or into external vnet and peer those together.

-- 4c74356b41
Source: StackOverflow