AKS node not showing up in kubectl get nodes


I added a node to an AKS cluster. After 40 minutes the operation failed without any other details. Then I added some more nodes, and this time the operation succeeded.

However, I still can't see the nodes in the Kubernetes Dashboard or with kubectl get nodes.

I currently have no way to address the memory issue in my cluster since I can't seem to add more nodes.

-- Sebastian Rösch

1 Answer


How do scale AKS nodes? Via Azure portal or CLI?

You can use this command to scale aks nodes:

az aks scale --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --node-count 3

After you scale AKS nodes, you should wait for sometime and re-run this command az aks get-credentials, then use kubectl get nodes to get the informations.

-- Jason Ye
Source: StackOverflow