minikube errors out in Windows10


Need your help with K8S. I am trying to restart an minikube VM via a Virtual Switch in Windows10. Its a single Node on my Laptop(64bit).

I tried removing the current VM from HyperV manager and recreating a new one with command - >

minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch"

But minikube errors out saying config.json is not found. Do i need to reinstall minikube again to overcome this error. What could have gone wrong?? I didnt get to do a "minikube stop" previously before my laptop shutdown. Could this have messed up the configs? I didnt find any Config file in the JSON path it is looking for in the error.

Error Snapshot

Request your kind help.

-- Sri

1 Answer


As advised in error please try once with following command.

Minikube delete

and then

minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch"

usually minikube's config files resides in ~.minikube\machines\minikube. Please check once there too.

-- Rudresh Bhatt
Source: StackOverflow