Need your help with K8S. I am trying to restart an minikube VM via a Virtual Switch in Windows10. Its a single Node on my Laptop(64bit).
I tried removing the current VM from HyperV manager and recreating a new one with command - >
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch"
But minikube errors out saying config.json is not found. Do i need to reinstall minikube again to overcome this error. What could have gone wrong?? I didnt get to do a "minikube stop" previously before my laptop shutdown. Could this have messed up the configs? I didnt find any Config file in the JSON path it is looking for in the error.
Request your kind help.
As advised in error please try once with following command.
Minikube delete
and then
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch"
usually minikube's config files resides in ~.minikube\machines\minikube. Please check once there too.