Running Oracle database as a docker container in Kubernetes


I am actually new to the Kubernetes and i am in the process of learning Kubernetes by installing minikube in my local desktop. May be i am unaware of this, but i wanted to ask this question to the experts

Here is what i am trying to achieve. I have 3 docker containers created in my local environment. 2 java web based application(app1, app2) docker containers and 1 oracle database container (oracleDB).

app1 application depends on the oracleDB. I installed minikube in my local environment for trying out Kubernetes.

I was able to deploy my applications app1, app2 and oracleDB in the minikube and bring up the applications and also able to access those application using the url like http://local_minikube_ip:31213/app1

After few hours my app was not responding, so i had to restart the minikube. When i restart the minikube, i found out that i lost the database imported into the oracle docker container. I had to re-import the database and also ssh into the app1 and start the app1 and app2 containers.

So i want to know how everyone handles this scenario ? is there anyway i can maintain the data in the oracle database container during the restarts of Kubernetes ?

Can someone help me with this please ?

-- babs84

1 Answer


For data persistence you need to define Volumes in your PODs, it is often done in conjunction with Persistent Volume Clams and Persistent Volumes.

Take a look at and to get a better picture of how to achieve that

-- Radek 'Goblin' Pieczonka
Source: StackOverflow