We're running gitlab-runner
instances via kubernetes executors inside a kubernetes cluster (let's call it KUBE01). These instances build and deploy to the kubernetes cluster, and runners are given an environment variable KUBECONFIG
(pointing to a config file) as follows:
apiVersion: v1
- name: gitlab-deploy
server: https://KUBE01:6443
certificate-authority-data: <CA_B64>
- name: gitlab-deploy
cluster: gitlab-deploy
namespace: dev
user: gitlab-deploy
current-context: gitlab-deploy
kind: Config
- name: gitlab-deploy
token: gitlab-deploy-token-<secret>
We can verify that kubectl
is actually using the above gitlab-deploy
$ kubectl config current-context
However, attempting to actually affect KUBE01 fails:
$ kubectl get pods
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
On my machine we can verify that the namespace and service account tokens are correct:
$ kubectl get sa/gitlab-deploy -o yaml --namespace dev
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
<snip metadata>
name: gitlab-deploy
namespace: dev
- name: gitlab-deploy-token-<secret>
I cannot find any documentation about this other than it should just work, and all forum/stack exchange issues I've found about this error message are bad user/pass combinations; but as far as I can tell, my token, namespace, and cluster are all correct.
After a more detailed reading of the kuberneter authentication documentation and some trial and error, I have found the issue.
The "secret tokens" inside service account objects are not the actual secret tokens that we use for service account authentication; rather, it is a pointer to a secret object which, in turn, holds the real (bearer) token. It can be found as follows:
$ kubectl get secret gitlab-deploy-token-<secret> -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
ca.crt: <CA_B64>
namespace: ZGV2
token: <BEARER_TOKEN_B64>
kind: Secret
<snip metadata>
name: gitlab-deploy-token-<secret>
namespace: dev
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
The bearer token is, of course, base64 encoded due to it being a secret; but oddly enough, we don't base64 encode it in our KUBECONFIG
file (like we do with e.g. the CA). Thus, what we had to do was find the above bearer token, decode it from base64, and add it as our token under the gitlab-deploy
user. Then, authentication works.