Kubernetes: Using same service(Rabbitmq) for both HTTP and WS traffic


I am trying to set up rabbitmq cluster within kubernetes. Clients can connect to Rabbitmq using amqp protocol rides on TCP and webclients using websockets. As mentioned in WebSocket support for kubernetes, I need to add websocket services against "nginx.org/websocket-services" annotation for ingress configuration. In this case rabbitmq acts as both websocket and non-websocket service.

Will the configuration work for amqp clients loadbalancing if I give rabbitmq service name against "nginx.org/websocket-services" ?

In short, can a service be both non-ws and ws at sametime?

EDIT [ 05-02-2018 ]

It seems there is a different flow for TCP loabalancing. I implemented that. Atleast the routing part is happening but I am not sure about load-balancing of TCP, I need to debug further on that part.

And there is one more reference for websocket loadbalancing and seems to say "No special configuration required".


-- Kiran

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