I provision the Google container engine with terraform and I also use terraform Kubernetes provider. I have some docker images on private repo that I like to use kubernetes provider to pull but I have some difficulty to use image_pull_secrets.
resource "kubernetes_service_account" "example" {
metadata {
name = "terraform-example"
secret {
name = "${kubernetes_secret.example.metadata.0.name}"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "example" {
metadata {
name = "terraform-example"
I am wondering what should I use for image_pull_secrets.
resource "kubernetes_replication_controller" "xxx-rest-client" {
metadata {
name = "xxx-rest-client"
labels {
app = "xxx-rest-client"
spec {
replicas = 2
selector {
name = "xxx-rest-client"
template {
image_pull_secrets = ["${kubernetes_service_account.example.UNKNOWN}"]
container {
image = "test/xxx-rest-client"
name = "xxx-rest-client"
//port = ["3128"]
cpu = "1.0"
memory = "512Mi"
cpu = "250m"
memory = "50Mi"
depends_on = ["google_container_cluster.xxx"]
Each element of the pull secrets list needs to be a map.
image_pull_secrets = [
name = "${kubernetes_service_account.example.default_secret_name}"
Give that a try and it should work for you.