Google CloudVPN don't activate SA when GKE packet are sent to OnPrem SVC


I’ve a project with a custom mode VPC network, a CloudVPN (IKEv2 with static routes) in a EU region and a GKE cluster in AU region. Here the CloudVPN configuration:

CloudVPN Tunnel configuration

My VPN endpoint OnPrem is a Cisco ASA 9.1 and Tunnel goes RUNNING for CloudVPN and for ASA the following SA is UP (I can't understand why only

  local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
  remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

I’ve configured the kube-dns with an OnPrem DNS (reachable in VPN) but if I try to resolve an OnPrem service I’m not able.

I see the UDP packet exit from GKE node, I’ve the route to VPN GW and necessary FW rules and also I see the ASA log about ACL applied packet. But I don’t see the CloudVPN/ASA trying to pull on the relative SA and the packet to exit from ASA.

If I ping GKE instance from OnPrem DNS server the relative VPN SA goes UP and, after that, my containers are able to resolve OnPrem services!

I can’t understand this behaviour, someone knows how to solve this?

-- Davide Belloni

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