I've deployed a cluster with Kubeadm on CentOS, and deployed flannel, heapster, and kubernetes-dashboard and now when I try to reach dashboard url (after running kubectl proxy), it asks for config file or token. I've tried the config file I've been using with kubectl but no success... Got no clue about token, tried the one that was supposed to be used to join nodes to the cluster, but no success... any help?
Use something like this to get the token for the secret k8s-dashboard-sa-token-XXXXX
$ kubectl -o json get secret k8s-dashboard-sa-token-XXXXX | jq -r '.data.token' | base64 -d
eyJhbGci ... sjcuNA8w
Check out my other answer for full context.
Also take a look on this other answer as commented by @ichbinblau