Env: Jenkins 2.73.1 & Kubernetes plugin 1.0
Inside the container, I like to get the normal jenkins build environment variable like BUILD_NUMBER
podTemplate(label: 'mypod', containers: [ containerTemplate(name: 'python', image: 'python:2.7.8', ttyEnabled: true) ]) {
node("mypod") {
echo sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'env')
container('python') {
stage('Checkout') {
sh "env"
So far in the code above, inside python
, it doesn't have the traditional build variable.
Any solution to get those variables inside container?
You can use env.BUILD_NUMBER i.e.
Also if you want a list of all the env vars that are available you can run
echo "${env.getEnvironment()}"
These are the default jenkins plugins env vars but you can also set env vars for your kubernetes plugin build pods in the pod template, for example..
envVars: [
envVar(key: 'GOPATH', value: '/home/jenkins/go')
FWIW here's that code being used https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-pipeline-library/blob/3834f0f/vars/goTemplate.groovy#L27
More details here