does daemonset need RBAC in kubernetes?


When I deploy a deamonset in kubernetes(1.7+), i.e, nginx ingress as daemonset, do I need to set some rbac rule ??? I know I need to set some rbac rule if I use deployment.

-- xren

3 Answers


I was able to enable RBAC using helm (--set rbac.create=true) and this error is not seen anymore, and the nginx ingress controller is working as expected!

helm install --name my-release stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true
-- Vikram Hosakote
Source: StackOverflow


To deploy ingress, you need to enable some RBAC rules. In the nginx controller repository you can find the RBAC rules:

-- Javier Salmeron
Source: StackOverflow


To create daemonset you don't need to create RBAC rules for it. You might need RBAC for what is running in your Pod, be it via Deployment, Daemonset or whatever. It is the software you're running inside that might want to interact with kubernetes API, like it is in case of Ingress Controller. So, it is in fact irrelevant how you make the Pod happen, the RBAC (Cluster)Role, bindings etc. It is what soft you deploy, that defines what access rules it needs.

-- Radek 'Goblin' Pieczonka
Source: StackOverflow