Issue with kubectl command


I am new to Kubernetes. I recently installed kubectl in my ubuntu machine(A VMware vm) with architecture x86_64.operating system is ubuntu 16.04.Installation steps followed:

#curl -LO$(curl -s
#chmod +x ./kubectl
#sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

However when I run kubectl get nodes It shows error:

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused-did you specify right host or port?

What am I missing?

-- Ashish Karki

2 Answers


Are you trying to connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster? If yes you need a config file containing the connection (and authentication) details. kubectl expects this file to be present at ~/.kube/config. Your cluster admins should be able to provide you that file.

If you are not connecting to a remote Kubernetes cluster, then you must run the cluster on your own machine using minikube or any other alternative.

-- Amit
Source: StackOverflow


The error is because you don't have any kubernetes cluster running.

You can install Minikube and use it to setup a single node cluster on your local machine

If you are using AWS as a cloud provider, you can install kops and use it to setup multi node kubernetes cluster in aws.

When you have a cluster running, you can then run the command and get nodes running in the cluster returned

-- Innocent Anigbo
Source: StackOverflow