Use external ip in minikube


I have been browsing looking and reading why my external ip is not resolving on Poc I am doing with Minikube .

I am running Minikube on a Ubuntu 16.04 distro.

When i do an http get at i get the nginx page.

Is there a why to use external ip with port 80 and not with Minikube ip and the port ?

-- sharh

1 Answer


I am running Minikube on a Ubuntu 16.04 distro.

Minikube is not designed to have an "external ip", it's for simple development-time testing. One will observe it is not even using the separate kubernetes binaries/containers that one would expect in a for-real kubernetes deployment

Is there a why to use external ip with port 80 and not with Minikube ip and the port ?

No to the second half of the question, but if you wish to have the Service listen on port 80 of the minikube VM, then a NodePort Service will very likely do that

-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow