Cannot start minikube


I can't start minikube. Everything seems to be ok, but enter image description here

When I open VirtualBox, and then click on 'minikube', it shows this... enter image description here

I see the first picture, and minikube is not configured even after 5 minutes. So, how can I get minikube configured?

-- Remzes

1 Answer


Error could be based on the environment settings too. So please provide additional information about it. Nevertheless, check the minikube logs for more information.

minikube start --logtostderr --show-libmachine-logs

Hope this helps you figure out the issue.

I faced a similar situation with minikube. But then realized that my network blocked certain images from being pulled. My error looked something like this. unable to pull sandbox image "" So in this case, I used a VPN connection and it resolved my issue.

-- NSP
Source: StackOverflow