Inject Maven settings.xml file into Kubernetes deployment


This question is about running a Kubernetes deployment on Azure and we are completely new to Kubernetes. We have a new microservice called xde-deployer that we use to deploy projects onto other microservices. The xde-deployer builds projects using Maven and therefore needs a working Maven configuration. Normally this is provided in the user's settings.xml. In this case we are running it in a docker container, so xde-deployer will look for it in /root/.m2/settings.xml.

Normally when we deploy the docker container, we use a volume to pass the settings.xml which is located on the host. On Kubernetes of course this is not so straightforward. As the answers to this question state one could add the file later, or use a configMap. Both answers are a bit too vague for our purposes though. Is there really no way to do this from the deployment? I cannot imagine we are the only ones who need to pass Maven settings to jobs running on Kubernetes. How are others solving this problem? My main problem after reading the documentation is still: how do I get a file into the Kubernetes cluster at all when I am on Azure? Is there a kind of persistent volume or parameters store that can be easily shared by the pods?

-- titusn

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