How to transfer files between local machine and minikube?


I am using OS Ubuntu 16.0.4 and i installed minikube on it. I need to copy some files to minikube, so how can i do that? I tried next command but it asked me on password and i don't know it

scp /media/myuser/sourceFolder docker@

Note: minikube IP is, and i used docker as default user for minikube but actually i don't know if it correct ot not.

So what is the default username and password for minikube and how can i copy files from my local machine into minikube?

Thanks :)

-- mibrahim.iti

5 Answers


On the host machine you can use the ssh-key and ip subcommands of the minikube command:

scp -i $(minikube ssh-key) <local-path> docker@$(minikube ip):<remote-path>

So the command from the question becomes:

scp -i $(minikube ssh-key) /media/myuser/sourceFolder docker@$(minikube ip):/home/docker/destiationFolder
-- Dirk
Source: StackOverflow


I handled it by following next steps:

1- going into ssh of minikube >> minikube ssh

2- Changing docker password using sudo >> sudo passwd docker and create new password so now i know docker user password

3- exit from ssh and go back to Ubuntu terminal >> exit

4- using scp command to copy files into minikube >> scp /local/path/to/file/ docker@minikubeIp:/your/destination/folder/

For example scp -r /media/myuser/sourceFolder docker@

and after that it asked only for minikube docker user password which i know it now after changed it then write password and folders copied successfully into minikube from local machine

-- mibrahim.iti
Source: StackOverflow


if you have installed minikube Windows Host then you can find the ssh public & private keys for docker user (docker user is in the minikube vm) in


on Windows Host.

The files are copied by minikube.exe during vm creation.

The files are id_rsa &

Then open the id_rsa in puttygen and save the private key in .ppk format.

After that you can use the newly saved private key with Winscp.

Host name: ip-address of you minikube vm { can get it with c:\minikube ip }

username: docker

port : 22

Go to Advanced ---> Advanced ----> SSH ----> Authentication ---->private key file

Then open...

-- Prageeth Athulathmudali
Source: StackOverflow

-- sfgroups
Source: StackOverflow


At minikube 1.7, if using the VirtualBox driver, there exists a /hosthome folder mounted inside the minikube VM. This is a VirtualBox shared folder mapping to /home of the host system.

So, practically, if you ssh to the minikube VM everything from your home folder is readable and you can use normal cp commands to copy things around.

-- Michail Alexakis
Source: StackOverflow