Is there a way in which we can poll for latest docker images in artifactory through Jenkins in the trigger section for a deployment Job.
Use Case : 1.Writing a Kubernetes deployment job via Jenkins which will get triggered when we have the latest docker images in the artifactory repo.
You can use URLTrigger Plugin to achieve polling for your artifactory deployments.
For Artifactory you can watch the JSON response changes for files in a particular repo by USING REST API.
You can configure the FileList API for your Artifactory, that comes in the below format:<PATH_TO_FOLDER_OR_REPO>/
This returns a JSON response like this:
"uri": "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme",
"created": ISO8601,
"files" : [
"uri": "/archived/doc1.txt",
"size": "253100", //bytes
"lastModified": ISO8601,
"folder": "false",
"sha1": sha1Checksum,
"mdTimestamps": { "properties" : lastModified (ISO8601) }
So if there is a change in your repo, the JSON response will change and this plugin will compare the responses and trigger your Jenkins job.