How is Kubernetes API setup within Rancher


As a proof of concept we are trying Kubernetes with Rancher. Currently we have in total 10 machines for the environment.

  • 3 machines for ETCD (labels: etcd=true)
  • 3 machines for API (labels: orchestration=true )
  • 4 machines as K8S worker nodes (lables: compute=true)

I need to evaluate how is the Kubernetes API being set in Rancher environment. From the K8S Dashboard there is only service "kubernetes" running in the "default" namespace on port 443.

I want to know how which containers are used by Rancher to run the API on ? What HA model is used on the hosts with labels orchestration=true (master-master, master-slave )? API communication flow ? What can external user can get from it ?

Would be grateful for any kind of tips, links and docs.

-- Veselin Hristov

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