automatic spot pricing for kops deployment


I can already do spot deployments with kops but it requires manually editing a the instance groups (nodes)

$ kops edit ig nodes
  machineType: t2.medium
  maxSize: 2
  minSize: 2
  machineType: t1.nano
  maxSize: 1
  minSize: 1

Need to look into a way of doing this automatically with the average spot price + 10%

I would also like to have at least 1 master and 1 node that are running on normal instances to survive a complete spot-overbid shutdown and the rest to spot price.

Can anyone help me with this?

-- Unxcellent

1 Answer


You could use Argo minion-manager. This is part of open-source workflow engine for Kubernetes Argo , but can be run on any kubernetes cluster. Minion-manager runs as deployment and periodically updates spot instance prices using the AWS pricing API.

More information about minion-manager is available here:

-- Alexander Matyushentsev
Source: StackOverflow