Kubernetes Starting and Stopping Containers Periodically


I have a set of containers that need to start and stop at specific times periodically. I want to use Kubernetes to manage my containers. I have looked at the Kubernetes documents and I see that there are Cron Jobs. This kind of Job only does half of what I need it to do since my containers will need to stop at a specific time.

I was wondering if there is a way for Kubernetes to start and stop containers at periodic times? If not, is there a work around for me to achieve this functionality?

-- Kevin Koleck

2 Answers


Lets say you have deployment named nginx. When you want to stop add cron entry like this.

/usr/bin/kubectl  --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config  scale  --replicas=0 deployment/nginx

When you want to stop scale the replicas to 1.

/usr/bin/kubectl  --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config  scale  --replicas=1 deployment/nginx

you may have to check the status with kubectl get deploy nginx

Hope this helps. SR

-- sfgroups
Source: StackOverflow


You can setup a cron job to run kubectl scale --replicas=0 [deployment name] and kubectl scale --replicas=1 [deployment name] if you're using deployments or other scalable resources (replicationcontroller, statefulset, etc)

If you're using bare pods (which you shouldn't ;)), you could do the same but with kubectl delete pod and kubectl apply

-- Mike Cronce
Source: StackOverflow