How can I get the image ID (the docker sha256 hash) of a image / container within a Kubernetes deployment?
An example without jq usage.
Using jsonpath:
kubectl get pods $YOUR_POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{..imageID}"
Using go-templates
kubectl get pods $YOUR_POD_NAME -o go-template --template="{{ range .status.containerStatuses }}{{ .imageID }}{{end}}"
Something like this will do the trick (you must have jq
$ kubectl get pod --namespace=xx yyyy -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[] | { "image": .image, "imageID": .imageID }'
"image": "nginx:latest",
"imageID": "docker://sha256:b8efb18f159bd948486f18bd8940b56fd2298b438229f5bd2bcf4cedcf037448"
"image": "",
"imageID": "docker://sha256:6ba3fe274b6110d7310f164eaaaaaaaaaa707a69df7324a1a0817fe3b475566a"