I faced with the problem that I cannot send emails from K8s pod using smtp.gmail.com
and 587
port. I tried to use dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
but nothing has changed. With dnsPolicy: Default
everything seems OK but I can't use this approach since pods should be able to resolve other pods from the cluster. Btw, ConfigMap
with Google's dns didn't help too:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: kube-dns
namespace: kube-system
upstreamNameservers: |
[“”, “”]
Are there any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
PS, my Kubernetes version is v1.7.2
There is another approach to solve this problem - you can write Google DNS ( in container's resolve.conf during its startup.
Maybe it just a syntax error in your configmap with quotes (" vs “) If you run kubectl -n kube-system logs kube-dns-xxxx -c dnsmasq
you will get a syntax error, instead of upstreamNameservers to [,]