While trying to run the next Docker command:
docker run \
--net=host \
--pid=host \
--privileged=true \
-d \
gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube-amd64:v1.7.0 \
/nsenter \
--target=1 \
--mount \
--wd=. \
-- ./hyperkube kubelet \
--hostname-override="" \
--address="" \
--api-servers=http://localhost:8080 \
--config=etc/kubernetes/manifests \
I am getting an error
nsenter: failed to execute ./hyperkube: No such file or directory
I have been trying a lot of combination, but nothing seems to work, have someone else tried to do this before?
My docker version is
Version: 1.12.6
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.4
Git commit: 78d1802
Built: Wed Jan 11 00:23:16 2017
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Version: 1.12.6
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.4
Git commit: 78d1802
Built: Wed Jan 11 00:23:16 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
I found the solution!
Hyperkube is not designed to run in macOS so i had to use other kind of kubernetes server for local development and that work perfectly:
I am currently using kubeadm-dind-cluster
kubernetes doesn't support Docker 17.06. Try Docker 1.12.6 instead.