I have enabled auto-scaling on my deployment. I would like to modify the default scale-up scale-down settings. Looking at the documentation scale-up will wait 3 minutes before it will scale up again. I would like to increase this wait time to 10 minutes.
Is there a way to modify this setting?
Kubernetes version 1.5 currently deployed
"Scale-up can only happen if there was no rescaling within the last 3 minutes. Scale-down will wait for 5 minutes from the last rescaling."
The version i tried is 1.7 and we can define the time to scale upto 10 mins. not sure about 1.5 version
$ kubectl autoscale deployment httpd --cpu-percent=25 --min=1 --max=10
I am not sure if this is still active but you can now use the flag --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization
on the controller manager. You can find the details in the kubernetes docs