I was testing Hyperledger-fabic v1.0.0 with kubernetes. The fabic contains 2 orgs, 4 peers, 1 orderer, and a cli. The things goes well until I instantiates the chaincode in the cli. The peer's error message in the picture. It says missing image, but the image just create successful. What's the problem and how can I solve it? enter image description here peer's error message
The answer can be found in the Hyperledger RocketChat on the #fabric-kubernetes channel.
"you basically need the peer to surface its dynamic IP (thats what AUTOADDRESS
does) and then tell the chaincode to basically ignore the x509 CN thats what SERVERHOSTOVERRIDE
does (and the other part is you need the peer pod to be privelged so it has the rights to drive the docker-api".
Basically, there's lots to be learned from following the discussion from that point.