Would the following directory structure work?
The goal is to have Jenkins trigger off GitHub commits and run Multi-branch Pipelines that build and test containers. (I have everything running on Kubernetes, including Jenkins)
There's no good answer to this question currently.
Kubernetes provides a standard API for deployment, but as a technology it relies on additional 3rd party tooling manage the build part of the ALM workflow. There a lots of options available for turning your source code into a container running on Kubernetes. Each has it's own consequences for how your source code is organised and how a deployment might be invoked from a CI/CD server like Jenkins.
I provide the following collection of options for your consideration, roughly categorized. Represents my current evaluation list.
Tooling the manages the entire ALM lifecycle of your code. Powerful but more complex and opinionated.
Tools useful for the code/test/code/retest workflow common during development. Can also be invoked from Jenkins to abstract your build process.
The kubernetes YAML was never designed to be used by human beings. Several initatives to make this process simpler and more standardized.
These tools have conventions where they expect to find Kubernetes manifest files (or helm charts) located in your source code repository.
This is really left much to your preference. In our projects we tend to split services into separate repositories not subfolders, but we also had a case where we had a bunch of Scala microserviced managed in similar way (although dockers were built with sbt plugin for docker)
One big advice I would give you is that in the long run managing your kubernetes manifests like that might become serious pain in the back. I went through this, and my suggestion is to use helm
charts from day one.
I assume that your "component_tests" are end-to-end tests. Other then naming I see no problem with that. For cases where we test solutions that span multiple repos we keep them in a separate repo as well though.