Facing issue to setup kubernetes on CentOS 7.3(Master) and Ubuntu 16.04


Is kubernetes compatable with CentOS 7.3 version?

I am trying to setup Kubernetes master with Centos7.3 and nodes with ubuntu 16.04. Please let me know is OS versions causing issues in my case?if yes let me know which OS version can be used to bring setup up as mentioned in guide. I followed instruction as mentioned in guide https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/centos/centos_manual_config/#warning but some or the other component fail to work.

Please let me know anything required from my end to dig deeper. Thanks, Surya

-- Surya

1 Answer


Kubernetes support mixed version of OS. follow the kubeadm cluster setup process, it will be easy to get started.

follow this document.


-- sfgroups
Source: StackOverflow