Docker image has been loaded into docker from local image copy using:
docker load -i /var/images/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64
docker images|grep dash v1.6.1 71dfe833ce74 9 weeks ago 134.4 MB
create -f /root/kubeadm-ha-master/kube-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-1.6.1.yaml
grep image /root/kubeadm-ha-master/kube-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-1.6.1.yaml
kubectl logs kubernetes-dashboard-2209332821-cnt6k -n kube-system
Error from server (BadRequest): container "kubernetes-dashboard" in pod "kubernetes-dashboard-2209332821-cnt6k" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled
I think that the image is attempting to be pulled from google instead of using the image already in docker.
Sorted - was that the docker image was loaded on the master and non of the nodes. Of course it was trying to start on the nodes - and trying to pull from google as it didn't exist locally