Helm Private Repository using private GitHub repositories.
or any.Create a charts
folder and place index.yaml
and packaged charts in .tgz
format inside this folder.
Create a GitHub Personal Access Token with read-only access.
Add your Repository to helm using the following command:
$ helm repo add helm-registry 'https://<git_hub_personal_access_token>@raw.githubusercontent.com/myGitHubAccountName/private-helm-registry/master/charts/'
"helm-registry" has been added to your repositories
1. Enclose the Url with single quotes ' '.
2. The trailing / is mandatory.
To add development or other branches as helm repository, use branch name:
$ helm repo add helm-registry-dev 'https://<git_hub_personal_access_token>@raw.githubusercontent.com/myGitHubAccountName/private-helm-registry/<branch>/charts/'
"helm-registry-dev" has been added to your repositories
Explore more at: Using a private github repo as helm chart repo.
If you want a private helm repository, there are not many options today, at least to my knowledge.
So basically there are no built-in helm private repositories, but you can achieve required functionality with helm plugins.
Plugin examples:
directories.I assume you mean a Helm Repo rather than securing the docker images.
My understanding is that it's just a basic webserver You could just use GCS or S3 and set up the IAM rules to secure them?