I have installed Docker v17.06-ce on 2 minion nodes plus a master node and Kubernetes with Kubeadm v1.7.0. Then I deployed Web UI (Dashboard) with kubectl create -f https://git.io/kube-dashboard
and changed type to NodePort using kubectl edit service kubernetes-dashboard -n kube-system
I can access it but its missing CPU/Memory usage graphs. So I've followed the instructions from Kuberenets Web UI (Dashboard) missing graphs to deploy heapster and influxdb, but I still can't see the graps...
What's going wrong?
UPDATE: checking logs kubectl logs heapster-2994581613-m28hh --namespace=kube-system
I've found these errors repeatedly:
E0717 09:14:05.000881 7 kubelet.go:271] No nodes received from APIserver.
E0717 09:14:05.947260 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/node_autoscaling_enricher.go:100: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:05.959150 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:319: Failed to list *api.Pod: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get pods)
E0717 09:14:05.959254 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:327: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:05.959888 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/sources/kubelet/kubelet.go:342: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:05.959995 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/namespace_based_enricher.go:84: Failed to list *api.Namespace: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get namespaces)
E0717 09:14:06.957399 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/node_autoscaling_enricher.go:100: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:06.965155 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/sources/kubelet/kubelet.go:342: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:06.965166 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:327: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:06.966403 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:319: Failed to list *api.Pod: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get pods)
E0717 09:14:06.966964 7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/namespace_based_enricher.go:84: Failed to list *api.Namespace: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get namespaces)
Any idea?
you need to install the heapster pod. try installing this and check.
Install the heapster rbac also.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/heapster/master/deploy/kube-config/rbac/heapster-rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/heapster/master/deploy/kube-config/influxdb/heapster.yaml