GCLB : Frontend configuration : Error : Invalid value for field 'namedPorts[0].port


We are configuring Load Balancing (Through Google Console) "Frontend configuration" with 443 and added SSL certificate.

But when we click on update configuration I'm receiving below error

Error : Invalid value for field 'namedPorts[0].port': '0'. Must be greater than or equal to 1

Anyone ?? can help on same..!!

-- Nilesh Suryavanshi

1 Answer


I got a work around to deal with this issue, we can configuring Load Balancing (Through GCLOUD Command line) "Frontend configuration" with 443 and added SSL certificate.

List your SslCertificate resources

gcloud compute ssl-certificates list

Configure your SSL certificate resource

gcloud compute ssl-certificates create [SSL_CERTIFICATE_NAME] \
    --certificate [CRT_FILE_PATH] \
    --private-key [KEY_FILE_PATH]

List your target-https-proxies resources

gcloud compute target-https-proxies list

Update a target HTTPS proxy

gcloud compute target-https-proxies update  [PROXY_NAME] \
--ssl-certificate [SSL_CERTIFICATE_NAME]

Reserve a global static IP address [Optional Step]

gcloud compute addresses create [STAIC_IP_NAME] --global

Configure a global forwarding rule

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create [RULE_NAME] \
--global \
--target-https-proxies [PROXY_NAME] \
--address [STAIC_IP_NAME] \
--port-range 443
-- Nilesh Suryavanshi
Source: StackOverflow