Performance issues with weave networking on Kubernetes cluster


I create a Kubernetes (v1.6.1) cluster on AWS with one master and two slave nodes, then I spin up mysql instance using helm and deploy a simple Django web-app that queries latest five rows from the database and displays it. For my web service I specify 'type: LoadBalancer' which creates an ELB on AWS.

If I use 'weave' networking and scale my web-app to at least two replicas, then I begin experiencing inconsistent response time - most of the time it is reasonable (like 0.1-0.2 s), but 20-40% requests take significantly longer (3-5 s, sometimes even more than 15 s). However, if I switch to 'flannel' networking, everything works fast, even with 20-30 replicas of the web-app. All machines have enough resources, so that's not the problem.

I tried debugging to find out what's causing the delay, and the best explanation I have is that AWS ELB doesn't work well with 'weave'. Has anyone experienced similar issues? What could be the problem? Please let me know if I should provide some relevant information.

P.S. I'm new to using Kubernetes.

-- yuzefovich

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