I've been wanting to use the "Documents and Indexes" feature of the Google Cloud platform, but due to the terribly constraints on AppEngine (e.g. I use gRPC, Cloud Endpoints etc etc). So instead I'm using GKE with Golang and it's all working good. My datastore is "Datastore" and I want to index some documents as I'm creating too many indexes that could result in exploding indexes.
How do we use the appengine search API from GKE? I get this error from Google Cloud Platform "not an App Engine context".. so does this mean that AppEngine standard gets the good stuff while users like me are left without these managed services and wondering if we will ever get these services?
So Google, will GKE/GCE users get:
Or do we have to roll up our own solution?
At this point you'll have to roll your own solution as App Engine search isn't available as a standalone product outside of App Engine Standard.
For caching you could follow the same advice given to App Engine Flexible users: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/using-redislabs-memcache