I am running local ceph (version 10.2.7) and kubernetes v1.6.5 in separate cluster. Using PV and PVM Claim I was about mount the rbd device to the pod.
When I configure to use ceph Storage Classes for Dynamic Provisioning. its giving the below error for pvclaim.
E0623 00:22:30.520160 1 rbd.go:317] rbd: create volume failed, err: failed to create rbd image: executable file not found in $PATH, command output:
W0623 00:22:45.513291 1 rbd_util.go:364] failed to create rbd image, output
E0623 00:22:45.513308 1 rbd.go:317] rbd: create volume failed, err: failed to create rbd image: executable file not found in $PATH, command output:
W0623 00:22:45.516768 1 rbd_util.go:364] failed to create rbd image, output
E0623 00:22:45.516830 1 rbd.go:317] rbd: create volume failed, err: failed to create rbd image: executable file not found in $PATH, command output:
I have installed ceph comman package on all the kuberernets cluster nodes. all the node running centos 7 OS.
How can I fix this error message?
Thanks SR
You need define a new provisioner rbd-provisioner. Ref this issue.
Kubelet is trying to run rbd create ...
. The rbd
command needs to be in the PATH of the kubelet binary. Kubelet usually runs as root. Check if you can run rbd create as root. If not, add it to root's path, or to the environment of whatever script (systemd?) that is starting Kubelet.