Unable to create a google container cluster


I get the following error while trying to create a google container cluster.

An unknown error has occurred in Compute Engine: "EXTERNAL: Google Compute Engine: Required 'compute.zones.get' permission for 'projects/access-jobs/zones/europe-west2-c'". Error code: "18" RETRY

Can someone please help me out. I am new to google cloud platform

-- Jaikumar Ganesan

1 Answer


Based on the error message, it looks like you do not have the compute.zones.get permission in the access-jobs project. This permission is required to get information about a zone in GCE.

Required 'compute.zones.get' permission for 'projects/access-jobs/zones/europe-west2-c'"

Enabling the Google Container Engine API

You will need to enable the API. You can visit this URL which will ask you to choose a project and then wait for a few minutes before the API is enabled. After that, you will be able to create the Container Clusters.

IAM Roles and Missing permissions

If you're still getting this error even after enabling the API, you might actually have a permission issue.

  1. You can look at the list of Compute Engine IAM roles to understand the list of permissions any given role has. The account you use to access Google Cloud Platform needs to be granted one of these roles which provides compute.zones.get permission. For creating Cloud Clusters (i.e. Google Container Engine (GKE) clusters), you most likely will need more permissions than just this one. You can look at GKE IAM roles to understand better which role would be most suitable. You can also look at the second option.

  2. Use an account which has been granted project owner / project editor role, so that you can edit your project freely. You might have to check with your project owner/admin if you're not one to get this role granted just like option 1.

-- Tuxdude
Source: StackOverflow