Using fabric8's KubernetesClient, how do I construct a URL to a particular Kubernetes resource?


I'd like to do the Java equivalent of the Kubernetes Go client's ability to create a URL to a resource without having to manually construct it.

In Go, using Kubernetes' client-go/rest/client.go, it's something like this:

u := client.Post()

(Note: I am no kind of Go programmer.)

I don't see anything in the undocumented KubernetesClient interface that would let me do the equivalent. Is there something I'm missing?

-- Laird Nelson

1 Answer


It looks like I can do something like this:

final DefaultKubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
final NonNamespaceOperation<Pod, PodList, DoneablePod, PodResource<Pod, DoneablePod>> foo = client.pods().inNamespace("kube-system");
  assert foo instanceof OperationSupport;
  final URL url = ((OperationSupport)foo).getNamespacedUrl();

Obviously this isn't great from a super-clean perspective (the return value of pods() is an OperationSupport only because of the way it's implemented, not by contract) but it is a way to do it.

-- Laird Nelson
Source: StackOverflow