My setup works in my local Minikube. But at the GCE the Traefik controller terminates around half a minute after starting successfully (Started container with docker id xxx
, traefik-ingress-controller-d8jb6 1/1 Running
). While the pods run I don't get any new events from kubectl describe pod --selector=k8s-app=traefik-ingress-lb --namespace=kube-system
. But as I cannot follow the describe
command with -f
like I can follow the logs
command I don't know if any new event popped up short before pod termination that describes the error.
BTW: The GCE still uses Kubernetes 1.5.7.
In the Minikube as well as at the GCE the Ingress seems to find the Service as I see the following log output in the container:
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Configuration received from provider kubernetes: {"backends":{"":{"servers":{"web-deployment-439093506-08dk8":{"url":"","weight":1}},"loadBalancer":{"method":"wrr"}}},"frontends":{"":{"entryPoints":["http"],"backend":"","routes":{"/":{"rule":"PathPrefix:/"},"":{"rule":""}},"passHostHeader":true,"priority":1,"basicAuth":[]}}}"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Last kubernetes config received more than 2s, OK"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Creating frontend"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Wiring frontend to entryPoint http"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Creating route / PathPrefix:/"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Creating route"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Creating backend"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Creating load-balancer wrr"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=debug msg="Creating server web-deployment-439093506-08dk8 at with weight 1"
time="2017-06-01T11:57:56Z" level=info msg="Server configuration reloaded on :80"
But in the GCE case the last log messages are the following:
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=info msg="I have to go... terminated"
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=info msg="Stopping server"
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=debug msg="Waiting 10s seconds before killing connections on entrypoint http..."
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=debug msg="Entrypoint http closed"
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=info msg="Server stopped"
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=info msg="Shutting down"
time="2017-06-01T10:14:50Z" level=error msg="Error creating server: http: Server closed"
How can I debug that to find out what causes the pod termination?
The complete yaml files can be found at the GitHub account the single-mongo
folder is not relevant in this case. Please make sure to use the googlecloud_hdd.yaml only in the GCE case and remove the storage-class: "slow"
only in the Minikube case. Thanks a lot in advance for any hints!