Can't run Kubernetes dashboard after installing Kubernetes cluster on rancher/server

  • Docker: 1.12.6
  • rancher/server: 1.5.10
  • rancher/agent: 1.2.2

Tried two ways to install Kubernetes cluster on rancher/server.

Method 1: Use Kubernetes environment


agent hosts disconnected sometimes.

enter image description here


All green except kubernetes-ingress-lbs. It has 0 containers.

enter image description here

Method 2: Use Default environment


Set some labels to rancher server and agent hosts.

enter image description here


All green except kubernetes-ingress-lbs. It has 0 containers.

enter image description here

Both of them has this issue: kubernetes-ingress-lbs 0 services 0 containers. Then can't access Kubernetes dashboard.

enter image description here

Why didn't been installed by rancher? And, is it necessary to add those labels for Kubernetes cluster?

-- cloud_cloud

3 Answers


Here is RIGHT Kubernetes Cluster deployed on Rancher server:


Turning on the Show System, you can find the service of kubernetes-dashboard under the namespace of kube-system.

Well, by using the version of kubernetes is v1.5.4, you should prepare in advance to pull the below Docker Images:

enter image description here

By reading rancher/catalog and rancher/kuberetes-package, you can know and even modify the config files(like docker-compose.yml, rancher-compose.yml and so on) by yourself.

Source: StackOverflow


When you enable to "Show System" containers in the UI, you should be able to see the dashboard container running under Namespace: kube-system. If this container is not running then the dashboard will not be able to load.

-- leodotcloud
Source: StackOverflow


You might have to enable kubernetes add-on service within rancher environment template.

manage environments >> edit kubernetes default template >> enable add-on service and save the new template with the preferred name.

Now launch the cluster using customized templates.

-- Tarun Prakash
Source: StackOverflow