Dashboard quit working


K8s 1.5.4. I have a kubernetes cluster where the dashboard quit working. It was working for weeks but now does not display.

When I run kubectl proxy and navigate to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard

I get the following:

  "kind": "Status",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {},
  "status": "Failure",
  "message": "no endpoints available for service \"kubernetes-dashboard\"",
  "reason": "ServiceUnavailable",
  "code": 503

When I run kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system:

NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
heapster-v1.2.0-4088228293-j8gn5        2/2       Running   0          19d
kube-apiserver-            1/1       Running   1          6d
kube-controller-manager-   1/1       Running   29         20d
kube-dns-782804071-92kq8                4/4       Running   0          20d
kube-dns-autoscaler-2715466192-90jhm    1/1       Running   0          20d
kube-proxy-                1/1       Running   22         20d
kube-proxy-                1/1       Running   0          20d
kube-proxy-                1/1       Running   0          20d
kube-proxy-                1/1       Running   1          19d
kube-scheduler-            1/1       Running   30         20d
kubernetes-dashboard-3543765157-7j40w   1/1       Running   0          20d

Running kubectl logs kubernetes-dashboard-3543765157-7j40w --namespace=kube-system hangs

Any ideas on how to diagnose?

-- phil swenson

1 Answer


Check on which node this pod scheduled by running this: kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide Next, ssh to that node and check hdd space is available: df -h

Also take a look here kubectl describe pod -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-3543765157-7j40w

And lastly try to delete the pod: kubectl delete pod -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-3543765157-7j40w The scheduler will automatically recreate it and you'll be able to check logs for that new pod.

-- asktomsk
Source: StackOverflow