How to turn on the alpha component


I am following this guide to create a meteor app on kubernetes with gke.

Right at the beginning i am told to turn on the alpha component:

Follow the steps in Before You Begin to create a project, enable billing, and activate the Container Engine and Compute Engine APIs. Don't forget to turn on the alpha component!

I am not sure how to that, what is the command for it?

When i tried to skip it, i got the following error:

ERROR: (gcloud.alpha.container) Invalid choice: 'kubectl'.
Usage: gcloud alpha container [optional flags] <group | command>
  group may be           builds | clusters | images | node-pools | operations
  command may be         get-server-config

For detailed information on this command and its flags, run:
  gcloud alpha container --help
-- fay

1 Answer


The commands in that tutorial are very out of date. Instead of running gcloud alpha container kubectl create -f mongo-pod.json, use the installed version of kubectl that comes with gcloud and run kubectl create -f mongo-pod.json.

Likewise, when you see gcloud alpha container replicationcontrollers ... in the script you should replace it with kubectl replicationcontrollers ....

You may also want to send the maintainer of that repository a pull request to update their documentation and/or scripts.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow