Finding the reason for pods being killed by Minikube


I created a Minikube instance in my local machine on top of Virtual Box. I have a couple of replication controllers with resource limits specified for both of them. First I created one instance per each replication controller A and B. Then I increased the replication count of rc B to 6. Once it is being scaling up, I can see that the Pod created by rc A is killed by Kubernetes. Only log I can see in kubeclt logs is

/opt/app-server/bin/ line 159:    28 Killed                  $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -server $JVM_OPTS $XDEBUG $SERVER_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs=$SERVER_ENDORSED -classpath $SERVER_CLASSPATH org.adroitlogic.appserver.AppServer

I have no clue what caused for the eviction of this pod. I'm guessing this is related to the resource allocation of pods and limited resources on VM. But I need to confirm that. Where can I find the logs related to the reason of eviction of this pod? I searched in journalctl -u localkube

Jan 09 11:00:55 minikube localkube[3421]: I0109 11:00:55.136114    3421 docker_manager.go:2524] checking backoff for container "ipsweb" in pod "ipsweb-m3234"
Jan 09 11:00:55 minikube localkube[3421]: I0109 11:00:55.136525    3421 docker_manager.go:2538] Back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=ipsweb pod=ipsweb-m3234_default(e6961157-d650-11e6-8bee-080027bc9720)
Jan 09 11:00:55 minikube localkube[3421]: E0109 11:00:55.136571    3421 pod_workers.go:184] Error syncing pod e6961157-d650-11e6-8bee-080027bc9720, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "ipsweb" with CrashLoopBackOff: "Back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=ipsweb pod=ipsweb-m3234_default(e6961157-d650-11e6-8bee-080027bc9720)"

kubectl describe pod gives following events

  FirstSeen LastSeen    Count   From            SubobjectPath       Type        Reason      Message
  --------- --------    -----   ----            -------------       --------    ------      -------
  1h        1h      1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal      Started     Started container with docker id 2ca5ccaa11a1
  1h        1h      1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal      Created     Created container with docker id 2ca5ccaa11a1; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
  1h        1h      1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal      Started     Started container with docker id 86d4bdfa014e
  1h        1h      1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal      Created     Created container with docker id 86d4bdfa014e; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
  50m       50m     1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal      Started     Started container with docker id a570e4f59e96
  50m       50m     1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal      Created     Created container with docker id a570e4f59e96; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
  1h        49m     2   {kubelet minikube}              Warning     FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "ipsweb" with CrashLoopBackOff: "Back-off 10s restarting failed container=ipsweb pod=ipsweb-m3234_default(e6961157-d650-11e6-8bee-080027bc9720)"

  49m   49m 1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal  Started     Started container with docker id b91cc20a8bb3
  49m   49m 1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal  Created     Created container with docker id b91cc20a8bb3; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
  1h    48m 4   {kubelet minikube}              Warning FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "ipsweb" with CrashLoopBackOff: "Back-off 20s restarting failed container=ipsweb pod=ipsweb-m3234_default(e6961157-d650-11e6-8bee-080027bc9720)"

  48m   48m 1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal  Started     Started container with docker id cf24faa31718
  48m   48m 1   {kubelet minikube}  spec.containers{ipsweb} Normal  Created     Created container with docker id cf24faa31718; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
  1h    46m 7   {kubelet minikube}              Warning FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "ipsweb" with CrashLoopBackOff: "Back-off 40s restarting failed container=ipsweb pod=ipsweb-m3234_default(e6961157-d650-11e6-8bee-080027bc9720)"

But non of the above gives me a hint about the cause and why this is happening. Any suggestion?

-- Dimuthu

2 Answers


To get logs of each pod in simple way, run following command,

$ minikube dashboard

then kubernetes dashboard will open up in your browser. then goto Pods, under containers tab, there will be option View logs from where you can actually see what's going on inside container or why it's failing

-- Suraj Narwade
Source: StackOverflow


So I don't know what is the correct way to do it but here is what I do when k8s cannot give me enough information.

The easiest thing to do is to see docker logs of that pod. I see that certain pod is failing again and again. So I would goto minikube machine and run

docker ps -a | grep 'some_identifiable_name'

this is where I get the container id. Once I have that I get logs of that pod.

docker logs <id_found_above>

This should be done so quickly because k8s might garbage collect the container before you can even perform all of above steps.

-- surajd
Source: StackOverflow