How can containers in a pod refer to each other by name?


In short I have two containers in a pod, named a and b, on ports 80 and 9000 respectively. They can reach each other through and Can they also reach each other by name?

I've tried a.podname:90, b.podname:9000, podname:80 and other variations without luck.

There is but those are based on the PODs assigned IP which isn't known beforehand.

There is also but they depend on the service, and thus the readiness criteria. Also SRV is a DNS extension that can sometimes not be used.

Background: To keep containers compatible with both Kubernetes and other docker environments you must avoid dependencies to localhost, but can depend on fixed port numbers. For example if there is a name that resolves to or the POD's IP in Kubernetes, that same name can be used as a alias in docker-compose.

In particular I'm trying to solve

-- solsson

1 Answer


If you're always going to run the two containers in a pod, you can rely on localhost:xyz to be accessible, no matter where that pod gets scheduled.

If you want to use DNS names, you can create a headless service for the SRV records. You can override the readiness behavior using an annotation: That should give you a DNS name to reach your pod.

-- Anirudh Ramanathan
Source: StackOverflow