Google runs billions of containers a week, what does that mean?


Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

In the official site of Kubernetes it says "Google runs billions of containers a week", my question is: if a container here means a containerized application, does that mean Google have billions of applications? It simply sounds ridiculous, what am I misunderstanding?

-- shintaroid

2 Answers


Containers are great because they can scale out a single process across multiple physical/virtual host machines.

Google merely scales out their applications (, Gmail, Google+) across a large amount of hosts by using Borg (which was the inspiration for Kubernetes) and the container methodology.

-- WedTM
Source: StackOverflow


Gmail itself can be millions of containers (just throwing out a number). It need not mean that many applications. There might also be short term jobs etc.

-- manojlds
Source: StackOverflow