What's the local DNS name for container cluster nodes in a gcloud project?


We have a gcluod project with a couple of compute instances and a Container Engine cluster. The (unmanaged) compute instances' IP can be resolved using [instance-name].c.[project-name].internal. Is there a similar DNS name, like an A record with multiple values, for the GKE nodes?

What we want to do is to access a cluster NodePort service from the compute instances. A multi-value DNS record would be fine because it doesn't matter which node we access. Individual GKE node names must be considered ephemeral.

I've tried to use the instance group name, gke-... as found using gcloud container clusters describe [cluster-name] | grep instanceGroupManagers but with no luck.

-- solsson

1 Answer


The GKE nodes, just like the other VMs, can be individually resolved using [node-name].c.[project-name].internal. But there isn't a single DNS A record that lists all of the node names together.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow