Can't find kubeadm token after initializing master


When i run kubeadm init it shows a token that I should use from the other hosts to connect to this host. Where is that token stored? I'm trying to figure out more ways to automate this by adding kubeadm inside of Terraform.

Thanks for any help!

-- vallard

7 Answers


Try to create new as per below command as initial token is valid only 24 hours.

kubeadm token create  --ttl=0

Here ttl=0 means, generated token will never expire.

Then join node as per below command:

kubeadm join <generated_token>

If you get any error for verifying ca hash, then join as per below:

kubeadm join <generated_token> --discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification
-- hk'
Source: StackOverflow


The instruction for Kubernetes 1.9.x (and above) can be found here.

The commands I used are:

kubeadm token generate
kubeadm token create <generated-token> --print-join-command --ttl=0
-- Chris Fregly
Source: StackOverflow


Run this command in the master node to get the token

kubeadm token list
-- sfgroups
Source: StackOverflow



By default, kubeadm init automatically generates the token used to initialise each new node. If you would like to manually specify this token, you can use the --token flag. The token must be of the format ‘<6 character string>.<16 character string>’.

you can see token value on master node using command:

cat /etc/kubernetes/pki/tokens.csv
-- pl_rock
Source: StackOverflow


Best way to avoid creating new token is -

  1. kubeadm token list
  2. kubeadm token create <copied token from previous command output>** --print-join-command

you will get JOIN command to run on any physical/vitual machine to join kubernetes cluster....

-- Abhishek Jain
Source: StackOverflow

kubectl -n kube-system get secret clusterinfo -o yaml | grep token-map | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d | sed "s|{||g;s|}||g;s|:|.|g;s/\"//g;" | xargs echo
-- feisan
Source: StackOverflow


Use this command : $ sudo kubeadm token list

Still, if you did not get, use following commands

$ sudo kubeadm reset
$ sudo kubeadm init 
-- Srininvasa Chary
Source: StackOverflow