Go Templates - Check whether a key exists in json list


I am using confd for a dynamic nginx service reconfiguration and having a bit of a struggle with the Go Templates. I have a json object named $data and $data.subsets may contain a key named 'addresses' -- I want to only execute the template inside the loop if that condition is met.

I've tried various things like the $data.subsets[0].addresses you see below which is completely wrong. I am not really sure how this can be done correctly.

This is a piece of my nginx template that I only want to render if there is at least 1 upstream service, not if there are none/unavailable.

Following the template is the json objects for $data on success any failure.

Thank you in advance for the help, it's greatly appreciated!

{{ range $ns := getvs "/registry/services/endpoints/*/app" }}
{{ $data := json $ns }}
    {{ if $data.subsets[0].addresses }}
upstream {{ $data.metadata.namespace }}_{{ $data.metadata.name }}_pool {
        {{ range $subset := $data.subsets }}{{ range $ref := $subset.addresses }}{{ range $portConfig := $subset.ports }}
 server {{ $ref.ip }}:{{ $portConfig.port }};
        {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Example of $data when there are no Pods scheduled:


Example of $data when there are pods running but not healthy:


Example of $data when there are pods running and available. This is the only condition I wish to meet for the iteration of the template to render.

-- David Houde

1 Answer


The $data.subsets[0].addresses is illegal template expression (contains [ and ]). Try the following template definition:

{{range $cfg := getvs "/registry/services/endpoints/*/app"}}
{{$data := json $cfg}}
{{range $data.subsets}}{{range $addr := .addresses}}
{{with $ns := $addr.targetRef.namespace}}
upstream {{$ns}}_{{$addr.targetRef.name}}_pool {
    {{range $data.subsets}}{{range $port := .ports}}
            Split port.name then test if address namespace 
            match the port.name. Test Condition:
            len($portDesc) > 0 && $portDesc[0] == $ns
        {{$portDesc := split $port.name "-"}}
        {{if and (gt (len $portDesc) 0) (eq (index $portDesc 0) $ns)}}
  server {{ $addr.ip }}:{{ $port.port }};
    {{end}}{{ end }}

Generated output(after removing empty lines) for the above three json data should be:

upstream ns1_app-3869480132-kfthi_pool {
upstream ns1_app-3869480132-9bufk_pool {

The key is range action in {{range $data.subsets}}{{range $addr := .addresses}}. Nothing will be written if len of pipeline (subsets or addresses) is zero, i.e. when subsets does not contains element or addresses is null (no subsets element named addresses).

-- putu
Source: StackOverflow