I have google cloud container engine setup. I wanted to spin pod of mysql with external volume.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: mysql
name: mysql-controller
replicas: 1
name: mysql
- image: mysql
name: mysql
- name: mysql
containerPort: 3306
hostPort: 3306
- name: mysql-persistent-storage
mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
- name: mysql-persistent-storage
pdName: mysql-1-disk
fsType: ext4
When i run RC without
external volume, MySQL works fine. It breaks with below error when i try to attach volume
Kubernetes POD Error:
Warning FailedSyncError syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "mysql" with CrashLoopBackOff: "Back-off 20s restarting failed container=mysql pod=mysql-controller-4hhqs_default(eb34ff46-8784-11e6-8f12-42010af00162)"
Disk (External Volume): mysql-1-disk
is the google cloud disk. I tried creating disk with both blank disk
and image - ubuntu
. Both failed with same error.
The error messages on mounting persistent disks are really not descriptive from my perspective. Use a blank disk based on your configuration file.
Some things to check:
Hope this helps.
The problem that you face may be caused by using RC, not Pod to interact with the Persistent Disk.
As it's mentioned in documentation:
A feature of PD is that they can be mounted as read-only by multiple consumers simultaneously. This means that you can pre-populate a PD with your dataset and then serve it in parallel from as many pods as you need. Unfortunately, PDs can only be mounted by a single consumer in read-write mode - no simultaneous writers allowed. Using a PD on a pod controlled by a ReplicationController will fail unless the PD is read-only or the replica count is 0 or 1.
In this case, I may suggest you to run MySQL with Persistent Disks defining the disk connection in Pod configuration file. Sample configuration you may find here.