Kubernetes rolling-update scheduled job


We now have scheduled jobs in Kubernetes 1.4- is it possible to do a rolling container update (new image) against the cluster using this? The basic idea is I want a simple way to automatically roll out updates every set interval.

The 'traditional' way to do updates is for the CI to hit a webhook on the Kube master, but I want to avoid exposing services to the public and would rather just check for updates periodically.

-- Jonathan Dunlap

1 Answer


I think it's generally safe to expose your master server and send updates to it from your CI system, but you could definitely set up a scheduled job to update a Deployment to it's latest version. Kubernetes has a concept called Service Accounts for authentication with the API from within the cluster and are integrated well with kubectl (i.e. it will use the service account info automatically to auth). The cluster also provides a kubernetes service for the master API. So you can deploy a container with kubectl and a script and use it to update the Deployment periodically.

You will need a mechanism to figure out what the latest version is. Maybe you could store the latest version info in a text file or something written to GCS or S3 and pull that file to get the latest version.

Say you have a deploy.yaml like this:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp
        - name: myapp
          image: myapp:<latest-ver>

And then you can generate and update the Deployment in a script like so:

wget -o VERSION http://url/to/VERSION
sed "s/<latest-ver>/$(cat VERSION)/" deploy.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

And build that into an image and run it as your scheduled job.

-- Ian Lewis
Source: StackOverflow